memory stick is full and trying to resecue file

I ve jsut finished a long report and saavd on memory stick but wont save as full. Please how can i rescue it? help!

So you cut/pasted or moved a file to a flash drive, the move failed and you deleted the original? Or did you create the file and save directly to the flash drive, and the save failed? And you didn't save the file anywhere else when the save to flash drive failed? Did you do the edit on your pc or on a shared pc at work or elsewhere?

If it's your pc and the file existed on your hard drive then scan the drive with Recuva. You might find an edit autosave copy if you used Word or something similar. You will need to do a deep scan to find this. Look for files with a last accessed date of the date/time you did the fatal move. If you find anything recover it to a new flash drive. However using your pc to do anything, load Recuva, surf, signup here, post a message, etc will write files on your disk which increases the chance of overwriting deleted data and decreases the chances of finding anything useful.

If it's your pc and you created and saved directly to the flash drive then you might find an edit autosave copy as above. If it's not your pc and you created and saved directly to the flash drive then the chances of getting anything back off the flash are minimal.