MediaMonkey entry in winapp2.ini doesn't work correctly


After I translated the winapp2.ini correctly for my version of Windows XP, I found out that the MediaMonkey entries probably don't work correclty for my Windows XP German.

Are the informations correct for your version of Windows XP?

Under the German expressions I always translated the English ones using the ";", hope this helps.


FileKey1=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp|.|RECURSE
;FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp|.|RECURSE

;FileKey2=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
;FileKey2=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

;FileKey3=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey\Previews|.|RECURSE
;FileKey3=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey\Previews|.|RECURSE

FileKey2=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
;FileKey2=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

FileKey3=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey\Previews
;FileKey3=%userprofile%\local settings\application data\MediaMonkey\Previews

The temp-entry did delete all my temp-stuff at this place:

FileKey1=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp|*.*|RECURSE

;FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp|*.*|RECURSE

I kind of was confused since I expected ccleaner to clean this place as well on a regular basis without having a MediaMonkey entry.

Is this place cleaned automatically having an English version of Windows XP without MediaMonkey entry?

This two paths MediaMonkey didn't install:

FileKey2=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

;FileKey2=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

FileKey3=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE

;FileKey3=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE

The MediaMonkey.m3u-path is:

FileKey2=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

;FileKey2=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u

The Previews-path is:

FileKey3=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey\Previews

;FileKey3=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\MediaMonkey\Previews

Might it be possible, that MediaMonkey changed it's paths during the years? I'm using it for a cuple of years now.

Or might it be that different paths are used for different languages of Windows XP? Or a combination of both?

The temporary path of MediaMonkey ist (entry found under ->Tools ->Options)

%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp

Thanks for answering my questions or any ideas or helpful information!


If there are some Windows XP language issues, probably there are other applications that might not work properly.

Welcome to the forum.

-- Yes, those TEMP folders are cleaned by CC as well. Doesn't your copy of CC list those files before and/or after wiping (switch to detailed view)?

-- You know which names the new folders/files of MediaMonkey (MM). So, write your own new MM entry for Winapp2.ini and after you're sure it works post both the german and english version on this forum.

-- Use a program like ExplorerXP to find out where other MM folders/files are located. ExplorerXP shows every folder in Windows (XP) even those that are marked hidden and/or system.

-- Which version of MM are you using ?

-- Send one of the Piriform folks a PM to tell them that MM has changed the locations where it stores the settings and a link to this thread.

-- Do you use (the german version of) MS Office ? Then you should read this thread


as well. (Olli_S is someone from Germany as well).

Possibly repost a MediaMonkey entry from German by giving it a unique name:

[*MediaMonkey (German)]


Thanks for your replies, Willy2 and Andavari.

Today I updated MediaMonkey to version Paths didn't change.

Ok, I'll try the entries below - I deleted the English entries but left the ones that didn't work for me, just in case MediaMonkey changed paths

[*MediaMonkey Deutsch]
FileKey1=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp|*.*|RECURSE
FileKey2=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
FileKey3=%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE
;Untenstehendes könnte auch zutreffen - bitte prüfen wo sich die Verzeichnisse bzw. Daten befinden.
;FileKey2=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
;FileKey3=%userprofile%\Eigene Dateien\Eigene Musik\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE

I did a Search for MediaMonkey over my HDD. That's how I found the paths.

The MediaMonkey entry for English could be

[*MediaMonkey English]
FileKey1=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp|*.*|RECURSE
;check if those entries work for your copy of MediaMonkey
FileKey2=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
FileKey3=%userprofile%\My Documents\My Music\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE
;alternate path for those entries, which might work - please check 
;FileKey2=%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\MediaMonkey|MediaMonkey.m3u
;FileKey3=%userprofile%\Local Settings\application data\MediaMonkey\Previews|*.*|RECURSE

Unfortunately, I don't have Windows XP English to test - please check your English XP using MediaMonkey and reply.

Willy2, thanks for the MS Office hint, I added the code below to my winapp2.ini to fix it and also implemeted the suggestion from Andavari

[MS Office Zuletzt verwendete Dateien löschen]
FileKey1=%appdata%\Microsoft\Office\Zuletzt Verwendet|*.*

If the path is written correctly, the files show up ;-)

Are there any other language issues you know of which have to be "fixed" separately? The French, Spanish, etc. XP users probably have the same problem with paths.

Nope, ccleaner doesn't delete those temp-files under Windows XP German.

Only using MediaMonkey does show the temp-files:

Right before I did the search I copied 3 files out of ccleaner-folder to this place. Look at the attached picture.

The picture ist the result of chosing Empty Recycle Bin, Temporary Files and MediaMonkey.

I also checked everything on the Windows Page but there were no temporary files even though I didn't delete above 3 files.

I have even checked all the available embedded ini-Files for ccleaner, searched for "%\" (those are the paths which can be localised for XP) but didn't find nothing.

From here I got them:

My windows knows %temp% and %tmp% both do refer to this path %userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp (%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp)

Sorry, since I'm quite new to ccleaner forum to whom should I send a PM? An Admin, Global Moderator or anyone else?

I'll teach internet security class next week and ccleaner seems to me to be the tool to have, much easier than deleting everything by hand, thus, I checked quite detailed and found those issues ;-)

Is there any possibility to start ccleaner using a different ccleaner.ini files? Like I have ccleaner1.ini, ccleaner2.ini, etc. for special occasions?

I didn't find anything in the documentation



When I scanned my hdd using everything, I found out, that MediaMonkey probably has changed it's paths!

In the installation of March 2009 there where both mentionned paths on my old PC for previews as well as for m3u available.

That was version of MediaMonkey.

In the meantime after reinstalling from scratch, there is only the Local Settings/Lokale Einstellungen used.

Please someone check this, preferably MediaMonkey installed the first time after March 2009.

Or check your Preview or VirtualCD-path under MediaMonkey ->tools ->options Virtual CD



everthing is lightning fast! I was puzzled to get the results almost instantly eventhough there are above 250 GByte of data on my hdd!

You can get it from

-- For this issue, I think you should send Twisted Metal or MrG a PM.

-- I agree. Being able to switch between two or more CC cleaning profiles certainly would be a good idea.

-- You don't need to write a separate winapp2.ini entry for MS Office to wipe the folder "zuletzt verwendet"". Just simply modify the existing CC MS Office entry in winapp.ini.

-- Weird. I would think that since wiping the TEMP folders is a Windows issue, CC wouldn't have any problem wiping this folder. Well, if CC doesn't clean your TEMP folders then write your own winsys2.ini file entry.

See the CC online documentation for more info.

Hello Willy2

Thanks for your reply. I sent a PM to TwistedMetal.

Switching profiles definitely would be handy :-)

I wrote the separate Office-winapp2.ini-entry to make handling easier for me.

I checked the %temp%-issue on another PC installed a few months ago, using also German Windows XP.

Well, I guess I was kind of too fast without reading manuals or adjusting settings... stupid me!

Problem solved for temp-issue, there is this 24h-option under advanced settings....

which shows temp-Files only after 24hours. Thus, when I just copied files and this checkbox is still checked, no wonder ccleaner doesn't find anything but MediaMonkey does.

After unchecking the 24h option, the results were the same out of %temp% folder.

About MediaMonkey

I installed it the first time on the "new" PC: the standard paths for Previews and mediamonkey.m3u are

%userprofile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\MediaMonkey\

or translated to English %userprofile%\Local Settings\application data\MediaMonkey\

Sorry for the temp-chaos

""Everything"" ist tats?chlich erstaunlich schnell. Danke f?r den Tipp.

The program ""Everything"" is indeed very fast. Thanks.

It's also possible to have winapp2.ini entries containing multiple languages file paths to check for by just including additional "FileKey#=" locations.