Meaning of the BEEP Sounds in PC


One Beep :


DRAM refresh failure

This may be due to - Bad memory chips

- A bad DMA Chip

- Bad memory addressing chips on the motherboard

Two Beeps :


Parity error or Parity Circuit failure

Your memory may not be seated properly on the mother board.

Unplug and plug it properly

Three Beeps :

Quote:Bad memory or bad mother board

Four beeps :

Quote:Timer failure in the RAM.

Five Beeps :

Quote:CPU chip may be dead

Six Beeps :

Quote:Keyboard controller may have failed

Seven beeps :

Quote:CPU is dead. Retry the connections and test.

Replace the whole motherboard.

Eight Beeps :

Quote:Video card is missing or Bad.

Nine Beeps :

Quote:Damaged ROM BIOS. BIOS chip has to be replaced if it persists.

Ten Beeps :

Quote:CMOS shutdown. Replace CMOS memory and associated chips.

Eleven Beeps :


Cache memory test has failed.

To enable cache memory try CTRL+ALT+SHIFT++.

One long Beep and Three short Beeps:

Quote:Memory failure

One long Beep and Eight short Beeps :

Quote:Video card failure. Try to install video card in another slot.

No Beeps :

Quote:Check Power supply

Check mother board connections

Remove all cards except video card and check for system power up

Insert all cards one at a time and check their operation.

If system hangs on the installation of a particular card, then it is the cause for the problem and replace it with another of that type and check

Did anyone beeping ask for this?

Dheeraj, if you know as much about computers as you are trying to make people think, then make your own website, which will be free of illegal software, but full of information and include the URL in your sig.

@ Dheeraj

I stated before I may say this to you, here it is in beeping language.

Decipher this from the letter number in the alphabet:

16 beeps, 9 beeps, 19 beeps, 19 beeps

15 beeps, 15 beeps, 6 beeps


i have created a small group

@ Dheeraj

I stated before I may say this to you, here it is in beeping language.

Decipher this from the letter number in the alphabet:

16 beeps, 9 beeps, 19 beeps, 19 beeps

15 beeps, 15 beeps, 6 beeps

Piss oof? I think your RAM may not be seated properly; your beeping is off. :D j/k

I like the beep language. Very gracefully put.

But yeah, I looked at Dheeraj's user group, and it has "HACKING STUFF" listed on it, so it seems a bit awkward on a freeware/non-warez forum. O well, whatever floats his boat.

And another thing, aren't all mobos different when it comes to what the beeps mean? Did you (Dheeraj) just prop open your motherboard handbook and starting typing the Getting Started section?

Piss oof? I think your RAM may not be seated properly; your beeping is off. :D j/k

Ha ha ha :lol:

I can't believe you'd even take the time to decipher it, just goes to show that typos exist in the "beeping language," maybe we should start typing all our posts in Klingon.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Yo motha

is beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

Ha ha ha :lol:

I can't believe you'd even take the time to decipher it, just goes to show that typos exist in the "beeping language," maybe we should start typing all our posts in Klingon.

Actually, I knew what it was before I took the time to decipher it. I just looked it over to make sure I was right (the 2 "19 beeps" in a row, and the fact that one word was 4 letters and one was 3, gave it away). But yeah, Klingon sounds like a safe alternative. :D

And it sounds like kobrakommander56 is having "a case of the Mondays"!

have you seen my stapler?

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...

...Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking... just a moment...


hahahhahaha, I love michael bolton

heh, yeah... you guys can just call me Mike.

silence and staring

A fine movie, no doubt. No geek should be without.