McAfee SiteAdvisor update

I update my FireFox McAfee SiteAdvisor to the new version 23.0 today and it does not work anymore stays gray all the time so I uninstalled that version and reinstalled Ver. 22 from and its back to working right now not sure what the problem is I sent them an email about the problem. I have seen a number of post on other forums about the same problem with IE and fireFox.

I update my FireFox McAfee SiteAdvisor to the new version 23.0 today and it does not work anymore stays gray all the time so I uninstalled that version and reinstalled Ver. 22 from and its back to working right now not sure what the problem is I sent them an email about the problem. I have seen a number of post on other forums about the same problem with IE and fireFox.

Yup, just noticed the same problem here :(

Yup, just noticed the same problem here :(

Just delete the new 23.0 Ver. and go to the link I provided and downlod the old 22.0 Ver. then you will be back in business.

Thanks for the warning!

I believe Dr Web now does a firefox plugin, info here

I believe Dr Web now does a firefox plugin, info here

Looks very interesting, I'll try it out today. And no defs are needed to be installed, it's all via Dr. Web's servers.

McAfee SiteAdvisor for Internet Explorer works fine, I didn't find any problems with it.

Dr.Web's Internet Explorer plugin causes "soft crash" in Internet Explorer but doesn't cause IE to fully crash, but does trigger Dr.Watson with an error dialog, therefore I won't use it in IE. The Dr.Web Firefox extension works flawlessly.

I just installed the new version of site advisor without any problems. I don't see anything new added to it though.

Thanks for that link, I had to reinstall 22.0. Whoa, the first thing I downloaded from in like 5 or 6 years.

I just installed the new version of site advisor without any problems.

I was hoping it would be o.k. on my end to but it wasn't, I wish it had worked for me. There weren't any safe/unsafe icons when using the search term "screensavers" on Google. Also that newest version wouldn't load the siteadvisor site.

Strange.. Did you uninstall the old version and get the new version of the mcafee site? Thats what I did.

Strange.. Did you uninstall the old version and get the new version of the mcafee site? Thats what I did.

First I installed over the existing version, that didn't work.

Next I uninstalled SiteAdvisor, restarted FF, then installed the new version as a clean install and it still didn't work correctly. I think I'll just wait for version 24.0 since they update it regularly.

The update didn't really change anything anyway from what I can tell. I still wish they would add an alert before you went to a red site or redirected you to the site adviser page and said why it was red before loading it up.