I have read the two threads that I can find regarding Defraggler and encryption (SafeBoot) files. The threads are somewhat dated. What I have not seen is a specific statement that says whether any version of Defraggler has specifically addressed the issue of not moving certain files related to total disk encryption and other files identified by Microsoft that should not be touched or moved.
Those files are:
I have used a string dump utility and can see that most of these file names are defined in the Defraggler version 1.19 executable. The assumption one could make is that they are in the executable because the program will ignore them. HOWEVER, if the files are fragmented, the names show up in Defragglers fragmented file list. This does not give one a warm fuzzy feeling that the files will be ignored. To try to be safe, I have included the file names in the Exclusion list under Settings -> Options...
However, as of yet, I have not attempted to defrag the C: drive. If Defraggler touches the files, specifically, the SafeBoot files, the PC will not be able to boot.
I believe that the McAfee Endpoint Encryption software installed on my PC (by my company, not my choice) uses the SafeBoot.fs and SafeBoot.rsv files (since their time stamp matches the time that McAfee encryption was installed, and since my company warns against using non-Microsoft defragging software with McAfee).
Therefore, my questions are: Does anyone know for certain 1) whether Defraggler 1.19 is compatible with McAfee Endpoint Encryption, and 2) will Defraggler 1.19 leave alone the files listed above?
(I don't want to heed my companies warning (unless I have no choice) and only use the Microsoft defrag program because it does such a crappy job of it.)