mb's analyzed > what is removed

I have the newest version of C cleaner on my win/vista 64bit premium. When I click on analyze it will have maybe 20 Mb's to remove but when I click run it might show that It removed 60 Mb's. If I hit run again it might show an additional 10 Mb's removed. The third time it will show 0 removed. It never did that with the older downloads. Is that normal and is it working okay? I know almost nothing about PCS. But I know this is a great product and want to keep it working well.

thanks, lige perry

More than likely files are being created and/or unlocked by the programs using them.

Remember the analysis only approximates the amount shown.

You could Analyze save that log to a file (right click on the results and choose save to file), then clean and save that log to file and then compare the two logs , and then comeback and reply here with what the difference is (or post the two files here and I'll compare them).