Maximum Single File Size

Can anyone advise what is the maximum single file size that Defraggler can handle? I'm using the latest version 1.02.085.

I have some very large files in a Norton Backup folder, with many files as large as 35GB . While running defrag, these large files seem to be re-arranged and re-organized. However, when running Analyze the second time, these large files would show up as fragmented files. I am thinking if the program can recognize very large files & effectively defrag them, or is it just a program glitch that these large files show up as fragmented but they are not.

I am having a similar problem to the above.

My problem stems from a manual edit of the registry, after which I get HUGE system information files fragmented that Defraggler can't seem to fix.

The smallest 'big' file that I am having this problem with files as small as .7 GB. The largest in this case is around 10 GB.

Also, windows defrag can't seem to touch them either.

Can someone offer me a solution? should I run defrag in safe mode? or try to do a boot up defrag (run it from the boot sector?)?

Attached is a list of all fragmented files, the graph of the disk, and a screen shot of Defraggler after disk analysis.

Is there a log I should attach as well?







I am having a similar problem to the above.

My problem stems from a manual edit of the registry, after which I get HUGE system information files fragmented that Defraggler can't seem to fix.

The smallest 'big' file that I am having this problem with files as small as .7 GB. The largest in this case is around 10 GB.

Also, windows defrag can't seem to touch them either.

Can someone offer me a solution? should I run defrag in safe mode? or try to do a boot up defrag (run it from the boot sector?)?

Attached is a list of all fragmented files, the graph of the disk, and a screen shot of Defraggler after disk analysis.

Is there a log I should attach as well?

Have found and produced log. should be attached below. Please help soon. I have lost approximately 13% of a functioning hard drive to this problem, and it is my main drive (containing windows, and the like.) I love CCleaner, and piriform in general, so I would be really disappointed if you guys let me down here. I really want to recommend this product to everyone I know, but if this issue cannot be resolved, I could not do that in good conscience.

Thanks, Yours in Patience,




Have found and produced log. should be attached below. Please help soon. I have lost approximately 13% of a functioning hard drive to this problem, and it is my main drive (containing windows, and the like.) I love CCleaner, and piriform in general, so I would be really disappointed if you guys let me down here. I really want to recommend this product to everyone I know, but if this issue cannot be resolved, I could not do that in good conscience.

Thanks, Yours in Patience,


Here is a smaller log, containing only the files which will not defragment.

I can reduce it further to only the largest and smallest files within this grouping if necessary.

