master and slave hard drives: both scanned?

By "the skin of my teeth" I survived a crash that nonetheless sent a clear signal that I needed to get a new machine or else. A friend saved me from utter disaster by putting in the hard drive from the dying machine as a slave in the new machine, but that raises the question whether CCleaner scans both drives when it runs, or if it only scans the Master. If it only scans the Master can I somehow get it to include the slave?

Thanks in advance :-)

By "the skin of my teeth" I survived a crash that nonetheless sent a clear signal that I needed to get a new machine or else. A friend saved me from utter disaster by putting in the hard drive from the dying machine as a slave in the new machine, but that raises the question whether CCleaner scans both drives when it runs, or if it only scans the Master. If it only scans the Master can I somehow get it to include the slave?

Thanks in advance :-)

only dose C you can add in some how in ini file I think.