Still enjoying the 2nd Gen Nexus 7 butter
Wow, you're on the ball Tas. I don't think March 1st had actually reached me when you posted this.
Wow, you're on the ball Tas. I don't think March 1st had actually reached me when you posted this.
It helps when the International Date Line is just down the road from where you live.
Geography aside, here's a drawing of an owl in a cave that I found interesting:
mine right this moment:
incidentally, someone made an "I was there" wallpaper for Twitch Plays Pokemon, consisting of the names of everyone present and logged in (playing) for the champion battle against BLUE, and I found myself!
maybe accompanying these desktops we should start a scoring system with Sochi still fresh in our minds and the para's about to start.
5/5 for usefulness. 1/5 for inspiration
4/5.... Hmmm... chocolate
5/5 now where did I leave my beach towel?
Oh my. As much as I love the snow, I do not miss those kinds of temperatures at all. If we are doing a scoring system, I give you a 5/5 for inspiration to move somewhere warmer. lol
maybe accompanying these desktops we should start a scoring system with Sochi still fresh in our minds and the para's about to start.
5/5 for usefulness. 1/5 for inspiration
4/5.... Hmmm... chocolate
5/5 now where did I leave my beach towel?
Ha thanks! Now where's yours?
Sunnier climes ahead me hopes ...
In fact this is the hopeful time of the year ...
Hope the snow stays away, hope Spring is nice this year, and here's hoping we have a nice Summer.
Ah yes, almost forgot the most important one, hope those 6 numbers come up and the other three don't matter any more.
That's in Fahrenheit. Right now it's a balmy 34 F.
It's been cold here on the island for like the last two months.
Just gotta ask, when you click on my thumbnail image, do you link to my Photobucket page with the option of advancing through all the pics in my library, or do you see just the enlarged image itself with no navigation controls? Because when I click on it it goes to my PB page with full controls open. Kinda freaky.
I see the option arrows to click through your pics but they are not clickable. (I do not have a photobucket registration anyway)
Your secrets are safe
Thanks Hazelnut. (Why don't they just link to the pic itself without encasing it within Photobucket? )
Notice that C in the bottom right corner of my desktop? It should look familiar. (I mean besides the fact that it's the exact font and thickness as CCleaners' logo. I just noticed that right now.) Cyan is developing a new game. Might even support Ocular Rift.
Thanks Hazelnut. (Why don't they just link to the pic itself without encasing it within Photobucket?
Seems I remember they did it that way not too long ago.
Been using 'bucket long time, it has sloooowed down lately. Those advertisement links, maybe. ???
When I am logged in to 'bucket, the thumbnail goes to the site and I can scroll thru all the pictures in the album.
After I log out I can only see the one picture that is linked (may have to delete cookies, don't remember).
If others can't scroll through my pics I'm not worried about it. But yes, it's probably a cookie thing on my end.