ManU vs Spurs streamed?

hey i was just wondering if anybody knew where i cud watch the football today,manchester united vs spurs,streamed online?or something like that

its on in 2 hours so hopefully will get a reply before then :)

A google result, not from personal experience. :)

kool link,but i was thinking of something like where u can go to certain websites and watch episodes of 24/smallville/etc without dling the things 1st,like youtube.plays+downloads @ same time

any ideas???

I know its a bit late but heres a couple of links, both require you to download software (free) though. But knowing a few people who use these I'm assured they work well:

cheers,will check em out next time a match is on that aint on main channels here

cheers,will check em out next time a match is on that aint on main channels here

Here's another one I've just had recommended, apparently bigger screen size:

well manu vs charlton is on tv this weekend so no need to try those links yet

cheers for em all,will try them soon enough