Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary over . . . command of this machine. I received a host of Microsoft Updates yesterday having my setttings to receive automatically. I like to see what they are by visiting the Add/Remove. The right hand column mostly reveals date installed which may be quite some time ago or none at all. What must I do to ensure they were absorbed. Would any of my good friends offer some guidance and I beg of you to explain in the simplest of terms. Thanks and take care. WindowsXP Professional Home v2002 SP3. As luck would have it, I inadvertently clicked on the button to "Unfollow Topic" when I have my settings to notify me. Can someone bail me out of this? I'm outa here :-(
To make sure they're all installed open Internet Explorer and go to:
Hi Andavari,
Thanks so much for the assist. I'll give it a whirl. I think my notifications issue got straightened out as I received a heads up in my primary e-mail account of your reply. Thanks again and do take care.