Man Declared Dead Feels 'Pretty Good'

Four months after he was declared brain dead and doctors were about to remove his organs for transplant, Zach Dunlap says he feels "pretty good."

His father, Doug, said he saw the results of the brain scan.

"There was no activity at all, no blood flow at all."

Zach's mother, Pam, said that when she discovered he was still alive, "That was the most miraculous feeling."

"We had gone, like I said, from the lowest possible emotion that a parent could feel to the top of the mountains again," she said.

She said her son is doing "amazingly well," but still has problems with his memory as his brain heals from the traumatic injury.

"It may take a year or more ... before he completely recovers," she said. "But that's OK. It doesn't matter how long it takes. We're just all so thankful and blessed that we have him here."

Dunlap now has the pocketknife that was scraped across his foot, causing the first reaction.

"Just makes me thankful, makes me thankful that they didn't give up," he said. "Only the good die young, so I didn't go."


I had seen that on one of the TV news channels. He's really lucky they didn't start removing organs!

I know I'm stating the obvious, but the brain is an incredible thing. My wife ( 51 ) had a severe stroke a year ago. She's lucky to be alive. She still has major problems but she's made remarkable progress. I'm not sure that she will ever return to work but I feel lucky to have her at all. I didn't think she would ever walk again, she now walks without a stick. Thanks H for your concern in the past, these things are never forgotten.


Great news your wife is improving Woody. :)