Malwarebytes false positives

MBAM`s false positives all regarding File assassin(checked wih virus total and Jotti`s malware scans, with 0 results):

Best thing to do would be a post on MBAM forums, including info on where you downloaded it from etc. They are usually quick with replies.

Let us know what they say.

Best thing to do would be a post on MBAM forums, including info on where you downloaded it from etc. They are usually quick with replies.

Let us know what they say.

I have to register for this and I`m already registered in too many forums.....they should make it easy on anyone who wants to report a fale positive and not make it difficult in any way, after all they benefit from it.

This file exists in my system about four months with no updates, with no previous alarms .

Eli, I just downloaded and installed ver 1.06, ver 1.06 Spanish, and ver 1.06 portable. Scanned the installers and the program files w/ MBAM, and w/ Avast. Negative results.

It is pretty easy to report the false positives, take 5 minutes to do at most.

Otherwise just add it to the ignore list if you aren't going to report it

Fileassassin is being detected? Fileassassin is also made by Malwarebytes', and isn't really need to be installed since it's also in MBAM.

Fileassassin is being detected? Fileassassin is also made by Malwarebytes', and isn't really need to be installed since it's also in MBAM.

This one was installed separately in august 2009 before I had MBAM.

Eli, I just downloaded and installed ver 1.06, ver 1.06 Spanish, and ver 1.06 portable. Scanned the installers and the program files w/ MBAM, and w/ Avast. Negative results.

That is interesting `login123` I`ve just rechecked and no positives now, I guess they fixed it during the day.....

That means it was a false positive ,atherwise it would alarm again.

MBAM`s false positives all regarding File assassin(checked wih virus total and Jotti`s malware scans, with 0 results):

You can directly contact Malwarebytes to solve the problem. But you may need to wait several days to receive the reply.