MalwareBytes Anti-Malware update change

It would seem that MBAM has changed what gets updated when you click the Check for updates button.

It used to check for database updates, then if there were any, check for program updates.

On my PC, it now only checks for database releases.

In Settings, Updater Settings tab, I have Download and install program update if available unticked and Notify me.... ticked.

I have been getting the database updates fine but only noticed the new v1.75 release by going to their website.

So, something to remember in future.

Thank you for sharing that, I haven't been in the settings since my last clean install of MBAM months ago. I've set my to Notify also because it isn't always at the perfect time when it wishes to apply a program upgrade.

it isn't always at the perfect time when it wishes to apply a program upgrade.

:lol: Exactly.

They never are, you update to get the latest cause you want to do a quick scan of, say, your friends USB before you stick it in, not fluff around with a DB update, a program update and another DB update to get the latest since that program release.

Did a bit more testing on this changed update behaviour when upgrading to the new version on the wife's PC.

Seems to me to be a bug.

It only checks for program updates if the Download and install program update if available is ticked. (which I know sounds reasonable)

Ticking Notify me when a program update is ready for installation is not checking for newly released versions, unless I'm reading that all wrong - and I don't think I'm that blond !

I will jump on the MBAM forum and vent my spleen.

mta you are not the only one to query this, have a look at this thread

hmmm.... seems to be a known 'misleading' text.

not to worry, I've ticked both boxes from now on, bit disappointing, but there you go.

I asked the question on the MBAM forum to see what can be done. personally I think the options are NOT behaving as they read but I also can see how others explain it away as functioning as written.

and thanks for the link Hazel