I'm no expert, but under ISSUES/FILE INTEGRITY you might want to try unticking one or both of those. If this solves the problem, reply back so everyone else can learn how to do it.
Running ISSUES with both FILE INTEGRITY scans checked produced only unused file extentions. I backed up at prompt, cleaned, rebooted, desktop toolbar still intact, scanned again, found more unused .ext, cleaned and rebooted again. Scanned again, no issues found this time, but most important my desktop toolbar remains intact.
Try cleaning with both of these UNCHECKED:
Windows -> Advanced
1. Menu Order Cache
2. Tray Notifications Cache
My CC v1.23.160 lacks TRAY NOTIFICATIONS CACHE option. I will now scan and clean with MENU ORDER CACHE (and for the heck of it) WINDOW SIZE/LOCATION CACHE also unchecked.
So far, so good. I then ran APPLICATIONS all checked, rebooted, still good. Back to WINDOWS/, checked ADVANCED/MENU ORDER CACHE, ran. Wow, after rebooting my desktop toolbar is still here. In fact, despite the warning about reordering the start menu, that too is just as I left it, at least as far as I can tell right now. Now I will check WINDOW SIZE/LOCATION CACHE and run. (Noted warning: "This will reset Windows Explorer Location and View settings"). I think this may be it folks. Here we go... ![:o]()
Well I just ran CC with all possible delete options checked except WINDOWS/AUTOCOMPLETE FORM HISTORY and RECYCLE BIN. In fact I ran this 3x with 0kb left to be deleted and rebooted and guess what, my desktop toolbar is still in order. One thing left to do, Shut Down and wait a few minutes and restart.
I am well and truly confused, far more than usual. I can not reproduce an anomaly that occured no less than 3 separate times prior to my first post! On the one hand I am thrilled that CC is working now, it can replace several other progs of mine that work similarly to one extent or other. On the other hand I am freaked that I don't have a clue what originally went wrong. Is there a possibility that I updated this version from the last and did not remember to try it before posting my problem
-- in other words, did the previous version have a setting that may have hosed desktop toolbar? The VERSION HISTORY says nothing to indicate that. I'm afraid the remaining possibilty is that I've finally lost my mind. ![:wacko:]()
Thank you all who tried to help, I really appreciate your patience and thoughtfullness.
Congrats to the author too, this is really quite a handy prog, good luck with further developement.