I am pretty new to forums so be kind. I am having a lot of problems with my computer lately after a bout of infection. To heal the virus I ran Spybot Search and Destroy, HijackThis, Webroot Spy Sweeper, Symantec Anti-Virus, and lastly CCleaner. This ismy first time using this CCleaner, is it possible to mess up the operating system if you don't edit results from a scan?
I did not review the changes to be made and now my system is messed up!! Windows Explorer does not fuction ever and with many programs an error appears such as "failed to initialize (0x0150004)" or something like "failed to initialize program, press ok to continue, press cancel to debug" after debugging things work ok for a while (I think because Explorer.exe reboots).
There is another problem that I find confusing, Windows will execute a program on the first instance after a reboot but will fail the second time. This happens to Add\Remove Programs as well, on second try this program will not look for installed software. However, the I have yet to see the windows explorer work at all, the left side of the split window is solid grey.
So far I have tried to play only one video game, but an error pops up saying "MSXML 4.0 not properly installed", than the next screen says "Fatal String Error: the following files are either corrupt or missing .\BIGS\strings.big and .\BIGS\nonloc_strings.big The program will now exit. Re-installing the game should fix this problem."
One of the most perplexing problems is the creation of new directories with similar names to existing directories after trying to execute program. For example, "My Dcuments". I must delete these files before program can continue.
Thank you for your help! I will be running all the anti virus programs again if I can, and tonight is poker night so I will ask my computer savvy friend to help as well.