If I run CCleaner, the drop down "history" is gone, but if you type a double slash in the URL address bar or start typing a URL, all visited URLS are still there!
I have been a CCleaner evangalist for quite some time, but this is a fairly gross issue.
Is it possible that the list is recently typed URLs rather than all visited URLs? If so, do you have Recently Typed URLs selected?
No, but something else is interesting. Clearing the history within IE doesn't clear these entries either. It appears that these are also entries of the most recent sites visited, and they were visited via links. At least some of them were "opened in new tab".
No, but something else is interesting. Clearing the history within IE doesn't clear these entries either. It appears that these are also entries of the most recent sites visited, and they were visited via links. At least some of them were "opened in new tab".
Hello Allen42,
Yes, sometimes it is best to exit IE 7 or those entries are still going to be there until you restart IE 7.
P.S. Forgot to say some things can't be cleaned by CCleaner while IE 7 is open.
It's always best to run maintenance type programs when no other programs are running.
Already tried that, too. (Ran CC with IE (and everything except traybar pgms) closed.)
Following YoKenny's link you may also find that some sites plug-in their URL into your Recently Typed URLs.
I discovered this in the past using some other tools. I'm making a list and checking it twice like Santa.I am surprised and not so surprised by those doing this.I really don't appreciate them doing this!!!
TWEAKUI 1.33 automaticaly deletes recently typed urls. under IE tab you must check the "Clear document, run, typed-url history on exit" option.
Hi cdrw04,
TWEAKUI is a neat tool.
However,I don't appreciate certain corporate websites leaving their URL in my Recently "Typed" URLs.
That is why I want to see what is in there before deleting.I am not sure if it happens when I am browsing or when I execute certain software or when I close certain software.