Main screen shows eratic behaviour

The GUI of v1.36 behaves eratic. When I click on the scroll bar on the right hand side (marked by the blue cross) in order to move the screen either up or down, the gridlines and the information on the screen get all mixed up.

But when I scroll through the column (marked by the red cross) with the cursorkeys (either up or down) or use the mouse in order to move the the scrollbar (marked by the green cross) up or down then the gridlines and the information on the screen all properly align again.

The picture in the attachment gives an impression of the problem.

It looks like Recuva uses two separate software routines in order to move the information on the screen.

Perhaps Piriform needs to remove the gridlines ? Perhaps Recuva should give the user the opportunity whether he/she wants to see the gridlines or not in the main screen ?

I've already reported this problem a few weeks ago, whether this will get fixed remains to be seen.

Richard S.