I have been getting a lot of annoying junk e-mails lately from outfits selling pills and shoddy investments. I have used the Block Message feature in Outlook, but these people are very creative and just use different sender names.
Are there any free programs available to block this stuff?
If I have to pay for a software program, first of all, are they worth the money, and does anybody know of a good one that I should consider?
I have heard of fire trust MailWasher Pro. Does anyone know anything about it?
the basic version is free but the pro one isnt. if you have a good e-mail provider, then you dont need it. right now i have gmail and a feature that is has is that it doesnt send any mail that it considers spam through POP3.
also spamfighter works for Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook
Changing the sender name is easy to deal with. Use * as the sender name. That wild card symbol works with most if not all programs. I use it and ? (for individual letters) for my black list in PopTray (not a spam tool but a mail notifier) and it deletes spam right off my IPs server, I never even see it anymore. e.g. *@i?baa.com to stop: *@iwbaa.com and *@ixbaa.com
Thanks for the comments, everybody. I have downloaded the free version of MailWasher, and it seems to be working well. I am going to try it for awhile. It allows me to check e-mails while they are still on the ISP servicer.