This problem started a few days ago. Whenever I am on You Tube or any site that uses flash, the flash player will hang randomly. Before it has never done this.
I have reinstalled Firefox (using clean uninstall as shown in MozillaZine's clean uninstall guide). I have tried reinstalling the plugin (via going to application data and finding the file and removing it). I've tried virus scanning (and that doesn't remedy the problem), and I've tried anti-spyware scanning (still doesn't remedy the problem). I've also verified that the plug-in and the browser are the latest versions available
Does anyone else know what the problem could be? Thanks in advance for any help.
Well this will depend on which version of Adobe/Macromedia Flash you have installed. Go to Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash folder and count how many ocx files you have in there. This will vary depending on what you have installed. Flash.ocx, Flash9d.ocx or Flash9e.ocx.
If you want to update your flash then you can download from Adobe Flash Player Support Center
A word of warning go to Add/Remove programs and see if Adobe Flash Player ActiveX is listed. If it is then uninstall your version first. If the uninstaller doesn't work then you can download the uninstaller here. ![;)]()
This problem started a few days ago. Whenever I am on You Tube or any site that uses flash, the flash player will hang randomly.
I just had a similar experience on when redeeming a free Pepsi Points MP3 download, it locked up my whole PC.
A word of warning go to Add/Remove programs and see if
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX is listed. If it is then uninstall your version first. If the uninstaller doesn't work then you can download the uninstaller
That's the first thing I did when I went to uninstall it. It wasn't listed under there, so that's why I just removed the folder. I am going to download the uninstaller, and I will let you know the results. Thanks alot. ![:)]()
I just had a similar experience on when redeeming a free Pepsi Points MP3 download, it locked up my whole PC.
o_O That's odd. Did you ever find a solution to your problem?
UPDATE: I tried it, and it still does the same thing it did before.
Did you ever find a solution to your problem?
No I didn't because that's the first time it had ever caused that. I had to manually shut down my PC which is never good, then run chkdsk /f on both hard disks. If it does it again I will completely disable or uninstall Flash until they release a new version.
I might try doing chkdsk /f too (see if that'll help).