MacOS CCleaner update frequency

Just curious since I am relatively new to Mac. With Windows I would get an update to CCleaner every few weeks but I have not gotten an update to CCleaner on Mac since I bought it a month ago. Is this just a function of MacOS not needed updates as often, or does Piniform not pay as much attention to Mac? Thanks.

CCleaner for Windows hasn't had an update since November either; and that's also been remarked on here.

We are told it's because they are making quite a few changes this time round, (not all of which will be visible in the User Interface).

It may be some weeks yet before they are ready to release the new version(s).

While a mac update is in the pipeline they've not yet finished it. That said ccmac is updated far less often

I have been nagging support on the next version. I got a little testy with them regarding this. I last time I spoke to them, they claimed they're working on it. The current version came June, 2019. I have the pro version, not the free one.