Hey you lot, just went to pc world seen a mac pc with these short episodes of a mac and a pc talking about their problems and features, some are funny, anyways where can i download them?
I believe this speaks the truth about the commercials.
Funny comic.
that youtube video was brilliant
A Mac used to be very different from a PC because PC was x86 architecture while Mac had Motorala 68k procssor which was completely different.
But now Apple went from their G5 over to x86 architecture and use Intel processors. So now Mac is basically a PC. Now Mac is an overpriced PC with that can run Mac OS X.
lol, funny comic. im going to see how long that would last in a MAC forum.
I like macs, but i will say they are for computer illiterate idiots.
oh and the guy who plays the pc was on The Daily Show and it was hilarious.