
Hey has anyone gotten to try the Anti-Malware Toolkit yet? It looks like a pretty cool application. Seems to work well and run fast too. I think this program has a lot of potential! :)

From the site:

For several years, Lunarsoft has helped members rid their computers of malware by suggesting a variety of tools. Users would then have to search the internet for these tools and download them separately. The search for the right program can be daunting for some users, and takes valuable time.

Lunarsoft is proud to announce the release of the Anti-Malware Toolkit - a program that automatically downloads all of the recommended programs to help users clean their computers and have them running at peak performance again.

Help keep your computer safe, secure and clean from malware - get the Anti-Malware Toolkit today!

Download: Anti-Malware Toolkit (*.exe installer) | Anti-Malware Toolkit (*.zip)

Screenshot: Anti-Malware Toolkit Preview

Forum: Support Forum

Wiki: Anti-Malware Toolkit on the Lunarsoft Wiki

Homepage: Lunarsoft

This program requires the .NET Framework 2.0. If you need the framework here are the download links. The latest framework is recommended.

Interesting. However I must make a comment that is bound to piss someone off, and that is; that website has been adverted on here before by a certain individual and perhaps followers, now that there's a software title. :rolleyes:

I feel it is an interesting little program that could help lots of users and experts alike. Frequently experts will have the need to advise users, who are in trouble with malware, to download all sorts of programs to repair the damage done. LunarDownloader gives them the opportunity to automate that tedious process.

Its ok.

I dont like some of the programs in it and wish he would switch them out for others.

I personally dont have much of a need for this though anyway.

I think that posts like that first one are a blatant attempt to get more traffic to a certain site. Aside from that, the program itself is not a bad idea, perhaps even a good one for the novice, or if it included a wide variety of software with maybe a recommended section, yet still have a whack of other programs in it, it would be an even better idea. (was it just me or was that a totally hatcheted sentence I just wrote? :0).

Anyways, they have done some good things on that site, have a nice layout, and this is a good idea, but they may be better off in making THEIR OWN product, rather then attempting to gain notoriety through the programs created by others. I mean they DO have dial a fix affiliated with them, which is an absolutely amazing program, which its a shame to not see extended to Vista. But for xp it really rocks.

Anyhoo, I dont particularly need a program like this one, but i sure could have about 5 years ago, believe me!

Thanks for the links ! :)

I feel it is an interesting little program that could help lots of users and experts alike. Frequently experts will have the need to advise users, who are in trouble with malware, to download all sorts of programs to repair the damage done. LunarDownloader gives them the opportunity to automate that tedious process.

That is an excellent point.

They are normally so stressed out that they need something simple.

:) davey

[16jul08] LunarDownloader has been updated to version 1.02.117.


[Added] Refresh option now in Edit menu to reload the tree list of programs. F5 is the hotkey to refresh the list.

[Added] Windows Update menu option under Links. - Thanks Ultimate Predator!

[Changed] Changes.log renamed to change.log

[Changed] Updated icon for exiting the application in the File menu.

[Changed] Optimized code for parsing data and loading the treeview.

Anti-Malware Toolkit has been updated to version 1.03.125


[Added] Program list will now highlight a program in red if it is incompatible with user's Operating System.

[Added] Link to PC Cleanup guide on main program so users can get help with the programs if they need it.

[Fixed] Links in About form now show correct tooltips.

[Fixed] Code cleanup, bugfixes and optimizations.

[Changed] LunarDownloader name has been changed to Anti-Malware Toolkit.

[Note] The name of the program changed as some users expressed concern about the Downloader part of the name.

[Note] Under Links, the PC Maintenance menu has been changed to PC Cleanup for clarity purposes, this is also reflected in our wiki.