Aha so Partition Wizard made it easier for you by just repairing the damaged partition table instead of having to backup all data which would take some time, and yeah as always the only thing you didnt backup is where the fail occurs xD
Actually in less than 10 minutes and no mental gymnastics Macrium Reflect backups would have restored all partitions,
(other than V:\ which only held backups and thus could not backup itself)
It took well over an hour using Partition Wizard and a lot of mental anguish,
but I chose to learn what it was capable of because :-
In any future emergency I wanted the comfort of knowing that if Macrium ever failed I had an alternative "Get out of Jail Card".
Even though I did not know who you would be,
I wanted to be able to help you when I might encounter you,
and I knew that Macrium would be no use if you had not created a backup.
Actually Partition Wizard running under Windows is not good if system partition C:\ is lost,
but in that situation you only need to get a friend to download the Partition Wizard ISO and burn the CD for you.
Partition Wizard took well under an hour to analyse the entire 160 GB HDD and identify all the partition boundaries that had ever existed. and their volume names.
It took much closer to an hour of mental anguish choosing which boundaries to select because :-
I had repositioned the partitions several times and there was no indication of which were the latest active partition boundaries;
and I had never changed the volume names from their initial defaults, so volume names did not help me at that time.
The first thing I did after recovery was to allocate relevant volume names such as