Lost massive amounts of free space using Windows7

Lost massive amounts of free space using Windows7 - this is the second time. I distinctly remember Defraggler working well in the past, or I never would have kept it. Last time this happened, my computer whiz son saved the day and restored my free space, but he's not around now, and I can't tell you how much this yawningly slow process of supposedly consolidating files to create more free space but actually just filling up usable space annoys me. One reason people defrag IN THE FIRST PLACE is to get MORE space, not to lose it all to a dysfunctional program that does the exact opposite of what it's meant to do. Is this some kind of a virus? Thank you.

Firstly, welcome to the forum Henry.

But I have to say, any defrag process should NEVER give you more space - if it does, it means it has deleted something.

Any good, trustworthy defrag software will just move files around to consolidate space, not free up space. That's the job of CCleaner (in Piriform's case).

What you may be seeing with your free space going down, is how Windows reacts to the DF process.

Have you checked in your DF Settings, Options, Advanced that Stop VSS is ticked and Use custom Fragmentation settings is ticked with Exclude restore points and Exclude hibernation file ticked from the Define button?


- When you put DF to work, which option(s) did you disable & enable ? And what defragmentation process did you choose ?

Re: Henry's post,

Ran defraggler and promptly lost 5gb of freespace, where has it gone?

Running windows 7 pro, Can I get it back?

Any help please.

have you rebooted yet?

what options did you run DF with?