As I was installing steamos (Linux) onto my computer I figured I would pull out my second HDD just incase something went wrong. Well low and behold when I pulled it out, steamos stopped installing so it seems it was installing on my second HDD. It was only installing for a very brief amount of time though. And now my second HDD (4 TB) is partitioned into 4 drives E: G: H: and I:. Disk E: says it is 486MB and the others don't have a number/amount at all beside them. So I tried recuva and it says
Stage 1 of 3: Scanning drive for deleted files
Current progress: 0%, 0 file(s)found
Estimated time left: 2 days
and it was stuck at 0% for quite some time so I decided to cancel. When I cancelled it, it showed a whole list of files, many of which seemed to be fine. But the problem is for some reason the individual files (not the total files combined) are really large. I'm talking too large to put on a 5TB external HDD
Any help would be muchly appreciated