I am performing some maintenance on a Dell 1501 laptop with Vista. After updating all drivers from Dell Support website, I ran CCleaner. The next time I had Dell Support analyze the machine for any new drivers, it listed 37 drivers to install, some of which I know I had recently installed. What gives?
Sometimes an installation is NOT complete until a reboot,
and if you ran CCleaner before the reboot it might have deleted some temporary files that are required to be present upon reboot to complete installation.
The machine had been rebooted after the most recent driver installation several times before CCleaner was used.
to be sure that the driver already correctly installed, open Control Panel > Device Manager
if all still with yellow marking, that mean the driver doesn't install correctly or doesn't installed at all
Dell Support software might detect new driver version for those 37 drivers
i don't think ccleaner can delete any driver unless instructed to delete those file/folder
when you ran CC, did you also do a Registry cleanup?
do you use winapp2.ini or any other enhancer?
have you got customised INCLUDEs?
DEvice Manager shows no yellow tags indicating issues. I did do a registry cleanup when I ran CCleaner. I also used only the standard checked items in CCleaner. I have not used winapp2.ini
so, on the assumption the culprit may be the registry cleanup, did you to the offered backup before cleaning?
and if so, have you tried restoring those backed up registry entries?