Loosing MS Outlook 2003 contacts with CC 3.28 ?


We've installed CCEnhancer 3.7 + CCleaner 3.28 yesterday on a Dell XP machine.

The user reports today taht he have lost his M$ Outlook 2003 contacts (stored in the .PST ?)

Does full cleaning option can lead to this problem ?



very unlikely. a lot of us here do regular full cleans and no problems of this nature (at least that I've heard of).

as you know, everything Outlook does is kept in a PST file and to just lose Contacts sounds like PST corruption or user error to me.

it's not a file CC cares about.

for user error: check other folders in the Personal Folders list to see if the Contacts were accidently moved there by a dodgy mouse click & drag. check the Deleted Items as well.

for PST corruption: use SCANPST, the free MS repair tool already on your PC (do a search) and see what errors it finds.

but over-riding all that, you have a backup of the PST file don't you !!! (nudge nudge wink wink)

Edit: Oh and by the way, the latest version of CC is now v4.0

Another Edit: if you have no backup and still can't find the Contacts. your last throw of the dice would be the nickname file (NK2) which can be converted into contacts. but these are only the addresses for emails you have sent, not the contents of the Contacts folder - but it maybe your last resort.

We've installed CCEnhancer 3.7 + CCleaner 3.28 yesterday on a Dell XP machine.

The user reports today taht he have lost his M$ Outlook 2003 contacts (stored in the .PST ?)

Does full cleaning option can lead to this problem ?

CCEnhancer is unsupported on these forums because Piriform the makers of CCleaner have no affiliation with it since it's a third-party tool.

We've installed ...

The user reports today ...

CCleaner is Freeware that is now restricted to private individual users.

This appears to be a situation in which CCleaner has been installed for a user by an agency, possibly for a fee,

in which case I believe the Professional Licensed version with developer support should be purchased,

and support obtained direct from the developers.

Just to make sure, tell them to open contacts and see if the cards are there; or better yet did the user ever make cards or have they this whole time been mistakenly believing the auto-complete (nk2 file) was their contacts.

for more information see: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/outlook_nk2_autocomplete.html

Just to make sure, tell them to open contacts and see if the cards are there; or better yet did the user ever make cards or have they this whole time been mistakenly believing the auto-complete (nk2 file) was their contacts.

for more information see: http://www.nirsoft.n...tocomplete.html

Thanks, I'll have a look

@Alan_B : when does this has been applied ? When installing the product, Licence Agreement is link online which isn't legal in France it seems because editor (Piriform) can change the licence apply to all previously installed products. And We don't read LA at every build.

@Alan_B : when does this has been applied ? When installing the product, Licence Agreement is link online which isn't legal in France it seems because editor (Piriform) can change the licence apply to all previously installed products. And We don't read LA at every build.

I have no authority on this - just a general awareness that changes have occurred.

I will leave it for a moderator to answer and explain the details.

And We don't read LA at every build.

just as a FYI, the fact you hit the Continue, OK, Next or Agree button when you have a End User License Agreement is legally binding that you have read, understood and agree to everything stated in the EULA.

(hey, even I have never read one of those buggers from start to finish - hands up anyone who has ???)

Yes I agree. But Piriform release often new builds for CCleaner, Defraggler, Recuva, Speecy.

Read once : ok

Read : at each build..... too boring.

We're looking for OpenSource project :


Maybe less options but open source.

Thread now closed as original poster states he is looking for another product instead.