Looks like we'll have a White Christmas

Looks like we'll have a White Christmas.

Why I don't like a White Christmas:

  • Sidewalks slippery
  • Bulky clothes
  • It is cold and damp making my bones ache
  • Snow plows make a lot of noise
  • Salt stains shoes and pants

What worries me is a white Memorial Day.

We had a heavy snowfall here a few days ago. There wasn't a breath of wind and large snowflakes were falling straight down and it looked beautiful.

The trouble is afterwards, when it gets dirty, wet and slushy. I hate that.

I welcome snow and I most definitely welcome a white Christmas. We all should be in on Christmas day, or at least when we're out, we're out as a family having a meal or playing in the snow. :P

I welcome snow generally 'cause if it's bad enough I get time off from College. I welcome a white Christmas because they are cool and really make Christmas that bit more special.

Florida's version of a white christmas...


Florida's version of a white christmas...


Thats my idea of a white Christmas. Snow is for Eskimos.

Thats my idea of a white Christmas. Snow is for Eskimos.

hehe Nah snow isn't all that bad. I do miss the snowy winters...snowball fights, snow tunnels, and sledding. Of course I say this having not lived in it for ohhh I dunno about 23 years now. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't like going to the beach in December. But I would like to see a real snowfall here sometime, just once, so I can play in it like I did when I was younger...

After 24 hours you wouldn't miss it.

After 24 hours you wouldn't miss it.

Being over the age of 24 helps.

I'm 24 x 2.6 and have a corresponding shorter tolerance ;)

Thankfully it is now raining and washing the stuff away but will make for real icy sidewalks at night as the temp drops so I'll just stay home and watch the Nova special on PBS about the Bible and pop back here during the Pledge Breaks.