Looking for specific version

I was wondering, what was the last version number that predates the "health checks" and "driver updater" and software offers, and can I still download this specific version?

If you did then the old version would not be cleaning your machine properly.

If you don't want to use Health Check then set Options>Settings CCleaner Home Screen to 'Custom Clean', and simply ignore Health Check.

If you don't want to use Driver Updater simply ignore it.

Many apps. especially browsers, change quite often and so unless you have the latest CCleaner you won't be clearing them as you should be.

For example a few months ago Firefox changed how/where it stores cookies so CCleaner was updated to clean those new locations; last month Chrome/Chromium did the same and changed where/how it stores cookies.

Old CCleaner versions won't clean anything at those changed locations.

In fact the changes to Chrome/Chromium came too late for the current CCleaner version to include them, so the current CCleaner is not properly cleaning Chrome/Chromium browsers at the moment.

They new cleaning needed for Chrome/Chromium will be added in the next CCleaner update, due soon.

Windows 10 and 11 also change frequently, (there is a Windows update at least once a month on Patch Tuesday) so CCleaner is constantly changing to keep up with those changes too.

The only justification for running an old CCleaner version is if you have Windows Vista or XP, newer CCleaner vesrions will not run on those.

There is a 'Sunset' version for those end-of-life Windows versions.