Looking for a new job?

One or two vacancies on this page


Well, it's different.

'Intelligence Officer.' I could do that job. If Hollywood has taught me anything; it's that I wouldn't want to do that job. But I could.

As I am secretly employed with CSIS I am sure they would consider employment with the British SIS as a no no. Darn, I guess I will just have to stick to one SIS. Oops just blew my cover, oh no! :(

Shaken, not stirred.

I do believe I'm qualified for the cyber division: http://hackertyper.net/

I do believe I'm qualified for the cyber division: http://hackertyper.net/

That is the coolest thing ever.

If they issue new recruits an Aston Martin, count me in. :D

If they issue new recruits an Aston Martin, count me in. :D

Driving specialist of course. Count me in!

I actually saw a slightly older silver Aston Martin in traffic just before winter, I think it was a DB7 and it needed a good wash. Probably the only time I'll ever see one around my area. I also saw in my area a Lamborghini Diablo in the late 1990s, and a Ferrari Testarossa in the early 1990s.

You guys may need to get equipped.

Got all my gear from here before I retired.

Top Secret Link:

I do believe I'm qualified for the cyber division: http://hackertyper.net/

:D good one Winapp!

You guys may need to get equipped.

Got all my gear from here before I retired.

Well Dennis, you're sure well equipped. Can I borrow some stuff for CSIS?

One or two vacancies on this page


Well, it's different.

2 and3/4 cheers for the different branches of the UK security apparatus.

I'm sure they would be happy to recruit you, hazelnut.

Who would've known. If I were younger I could see myself wanting everything on there, even if it didn't work as advertised (kind of like those paper X-RAY glasses I may have had as a child). :lol:

Well Dennis, you're sure well equipped. Can I borrow some stuff for CSIS?

I sold it all Razz, to a guy who insisted I meet him in a public place whilst carrying a newspaper and wearing a white carnation. :unsure:

Who would've known. If I were younger I could see myself wanting everything on there, even if it didn't work as advertised (kind of like those paper X-RAY glasses I may have had as a child). :lol:

Those X-Ray glasses held so much promise. Huge childhood disappointment. :(

You mean yours didn't work? Oh that's such a shame :(

Still today with X-Ray glasses all I see is bone, disappointment hit a new low again :(.

One of the best entrepreneur investments of the 50s', 60s'. Fake glasses with bird feathers and red cellophane in them. I bet he made almost as much as the Pet Rock guy. And there were Sea Monkeys and Ant Farms.

One of the best entrepreneur investments of the 50s', 60s'. Fake glasses with bird feathers and red cellophane in them. I bet he made almost as much as the Pet Rock guy. And there were Sea Monkeys and Ant Farms.

My older sister's pet rock is probably dead.. she hasn't fed it in decades.

I remember having Six Million Dollar Man ("aka Bionic Man") sunglasses as a child, unfortunately they were a huge disappointment I couldn't run any faster, jump any higher, flip over cars, etc.

My older sister's pet rock is probably dead.. she hasn't fed it in decades.
