Hi all, Sigh, here I am usually the one to whip out answers (or insults or whatever LOL) but now I come to ask. . . As I am running "wipe Free space" what the Heck-a-roony am I doing LOL
am I writing 0's over things? will this make recuva less able to recover things?
(this post will also I hope allow the answer for real n00bs not just wannabe n00bs like me)
I think it is one of those things to exercise the hard drive and waste time while the morning coffee brews or waiting until the pizza delivery person arrives with your large pepperoni, black olive and anchovy pizza with garlic dipping sauce and two Pepsi drinks.
Wipes the free space of already deleted files making them impossible or near impossible to restore, the same thing that the free Eraser does and many other commercial tools. Before running wipe free space fire up Recuva and write down how many files it finds are available to recover. Then after running wipe free space start Recuva again then see how many files it finds are available to recover.
It's been a long requested feature so people that wanted it finally got their wish for an all-in-one cleaning tool without having to use Eraser, and finally we won't have to recommend using Eraser to wipe the free space anymore.
Very good points Augeas. But one of the most important ones is, how long does "wipe free space" take using CC. I have used eraser for years for files and folders and every 2-3 months for the free space.
My 300G takes about 7 hours at 1 pass. The good thing about eraser is that you can right click and target any folder/file immediately.
For the time being i will stick to using eraser for free space cleaning.
LOL wasn't in the help section yet when I posted (don't know if it is now b/c i too am too lazy). I use Spellcheck for IE (and firefox has a built in spellcheck) Only took me a couple (2-4 maybe) hours to do my freespace sooooooooo I'm not sure hotrod's question was a pretenant as how to correctly spell miraculously (which was miraculouslyspelled correctly)