Local Settings\temp not cleaned

Two items:

1. For some reason I cannot get Local Settings\temp cleaned. After programs use this folder to install, they are not cleaned up. I have 0.5GB in it right now after MS Visual Studio 2008 SP1 was installed. CCleaner doesn't clean it.

2. I cast my vote as well to clean all user profiles. As an administrator over a domain, I don't have time to ask each user to login to their accounts and clean their profiles, especially, when many users are out of town. In my environment, users are to keep their data files OFF the PC and on their own personal storage. The expense and time of backing up these PCs to a storage facility needs to be cut. Multi-user cleaning would be a huge benefit for me.


.. Jim ..

As an administrator over a domain, I don't have time to ask each user to login to their accounts and clean their profiles, especially, when many users are out of town

Hi Read this :)


1. For some reason I cannot get Local Settings\temp cleaned. After programs use this folder to install, they are not cleaned up. I have 0.5GB in it right now after MS Visual Studio 2008 SP1 was installed. CCleaner doesn't clean it.

Try this...

Open CCleaner, go to the "Options" button and then to the "Include" button...

Then add your "Local Settings\temp" folder. ^_^

Note: you might have to enable "show hidden files and folders" on your "Folder Options".

After that, make sure that you enable "Custom Files and Folders" on the Cleaner.