Little Assistance With Speccy

Hi Folks,

Hope it's not a case of poor eyesight but I have the current Speccy version 1.24.632 and have been trying to locate the section where the tower fan speed is reported. I've had warm up problems and like to keep vigil on temps, i.e. if fan is running. I've found it in previous versions. Then perhaps I can put my stethoscope away. Thanks for all you do for us.


See here:

My Good Friend Andavari, I went to the link you provided and viewed the instructions. May I assume that by simply clicking on the icon next to the temp and bringing up the graph that as long as it is showing movement the fan is operating. If I am correct that would be simple enough for me as I keep Speccy home page very handy. I must confess that I don't understand the various speeds demonstrated but noticed the "Rated Bus Speed" shows fluctuation while the others remain constant. Could you give me a quick nay or yay on this. Thanks so much and take care. Warlock

Sorry but I don't personally use Speccy, I just gave a help docs link so you'd know where to find and display that graph in the program.

My good friend Andavari, thanks so much for the help even though you don't use this utility. Take care. Warlock