Hello All,
I was hoping to get some clarification on a problem I have with defragging my computer. As seen in the attached image on the right, Defraggler does a great job on consolidating my computer. However when I run system checks, such as with Iolo System Mechanic, it states up to 176.85 GB are misaligned after a defrag from Defraggler, as shown on the left. The bottom image shows a basis of what my computer's defrag looks like when a program such as Iolo corrects the misaligned files. Which program is at fault.
When I contacted Iolo, I was instructed with
Have you tried consistently (for 3 months) defrag with only one program? I am unsure how often you defrag your hard drive, as that depends on how many drives and what their capacities are. As stated, see if you could just use one defrag program (for 6 sessions) and see if the program that defrag it shows any discrepancy .
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your case and for your continued business.
I defrag every other night and I don't see any changes. I have more than enough free space where it will probably never be a problem but the wide range of different results does have me concerned.
Thanks for any help!!