Bit of a dull point to list everything wrong with that list, so I'll leave my comments at that as searching for reputable browser information will turn up many valid sources.
Depending on the situation and system, I'm inclined to disagree with the choices deemed as unacceptable.
For example :
Dillo, when I'm on a low-grade system, is -very- useful and -very- quick when I need to search something up. Nothing I'd use for day-to-day browsing, but, that is not the point.
Lynx, and the unmentioned w3m (but still belongs in the category as both are text browsers), this is said : "In my opinion text only browsing is a complete waste of time with modern web pages." This is untrue. When I'm compiling a distro of Linux on my computer (for example, I recently installed Arch Linux on my laptop) and it doesn't come pre-configured for an X system, during the building, upgrading, and installing, I open up a second terminal, and search the web using w3m or lynx. Very useful, but, I guess, not often used as a day-to-day browser ('cept for jokes I've heard of Stallman only using Lynx. )
I can't say I agree with the author when he says, "Internet Explorer 7 maintains the most webpage compatibility of any browser, the only reason I can find this true is because most websites block off users of Firefox, Opera, et cetera. (For example, a company my father works for, a gambling site for a horse track near Toronto, the website is IE7 only, but, if one uses the addon that changes your user-agent, it will let you go through. The only cockblock I could think of, (pardon the terminology), is ActiveX control. ( looks like something could be made of it with a little spare time )
But, that's just my opinion. I'm a little biased as I'm one of those firefox fanboys.
While I don't agree with much of that list, I do agree with the top spot. I don't have much experience with Safari or Chrome, but after using Firefox and IE for many years, Opera now beats them out by a wide margin. The "browser wars" will go on forever though.