Linux Based Operating Systems & Usb Adsl Modems

Thanks to Eldmannen, Humpty and Fieryone for their previous input and help on this.

And hoping this will help anyone who`s interested, but like me, are new to Live CD/Linux.

Apparently, USB ADSL modems can be quite demanding to get working with Linux, and some will not work at all.

This quote is from the Ubuntu guide:

This guide is for setting up USB ADSL modems under Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake).


USB is far from the ideal medium for network access, there are so many problems using USB modems compared using ethernet based solutions that some claim that USB could stand for Un Suitable for Broadband.

That little gem made my day. However, it is possible. And there is a guide for getting started, i.e. find out if your USB modem is one of the lucky ones, at this address:

At the bottom of that page are links to guides on the different types of suitable USB modems.


Edit: Any reccomended alternative modems ?

Edit2 Have: Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC

Have: 1394 Net Adapter. No idea what this is.