links folder

Hello everyone,

Basically i had a links folder in my favourites menu,it was empty so i deleted it.

I have done this several times now,yet when i turn the computer back on there it is!when this happens i have gone into programs etc,but it isn't there.the only place the folder appears in is in my favourites.whats going on? :huh:

Thats just part of Internet Explorer. As far as I know their is no way of getting rid of it for good.(I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) Its not really doing anything so I never went to great lengths to get rid of it.(just know its supposed to be there and their is nothing to worry about.)

It's just like some other system created folders, you can delete them as often as you want and they'll reappear. I went through the creation of the My Pictures folder in My Documents I don't know how many times on my Win98 system after I updated to IE6.

thanks for your replies,much appriciated


Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Toolbar

Modify or create the entry: Name: LinksFolderName | Type: REG_SZ | Data: [set to a blank string]

Open Internet Explorer and manually delete the Links folder. Reboot.

To restore, enter Data: Links