Lightning Strikes Teenager Listening To iPod


Jason Bunch was mowing the lawn and listening to his iPod at his home in Castle Rock in the 3200 block of Cherry Plum Way on Sunday when he was struck.

He was taken to the hospital and was then put into the intensive care unit. Bunch recovered and was released from the hospital.

"I woke up and blood was coming out my ears," Bunch, a Douglas County High School senior, said.

Bunch has large scars on his feet and smaller burn marks on his hands.


Ya, cellphones are evil.

Nowadays everybody have them, and constantly talk in them all the time, all the day, everywhere...

lol, i pissed out laughing when i read that.

thanks for the warning. it is stupid to keep mowing your lawn in bad weather!

how did that malaysian citizen get struck in 1999. ipod werent even released back then.

how did that malaysian citizen get struck in 1999. ipod werent even released back then.

Quote from the story.

There were other similar cases in Malaysia in 1999, South Korea in 2004 and China in 2005. The people died in all three cases. The authors said there were no previous reports in medical journals.

"All these events resulted in death after the people were struck by lightning while using their mobile phones outdoors during storms," they wrote.

It traveled down the earbuds was all. Duh. He was mowing the lawn. In other words he's sitting ona fairly large hunk of metal. Gee, wonder why he got struck. :rolleyes:

It traveled down the earbuds was all. Duh. He was mowing the lawn. In other words he's sitting ona fairly large hunk of metal. Gee, wonder why he got struck. :rolleyes:


Earbuds, earplugs. Whatever you call those wannabe headphones.