I purchased cccleaner professional, but have not received the license number , can you advise please?
If your purchase was completed but your order confirmation email has been lost (or ended up in your spam bucket for some reason) then Hazel's recommendation of checking https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup will give you your licence key, registration name, expiry date, download link, etc.
A common reason for not receiving a licence key (which may not apply in your case) is if you have chosen an offline payment method such as PayPal and not yet completed your purchase. Check for the following message in your Cleverbridge order confirmation:
Please note the importance of using the button in the email to submit your payment so that it is matched to your order. Making payments to Cleverbridge directly from the PayPal website means that they have no way to match your payment to your order. Sending money directly to the CCleaner support team will also not work.
Same for me. I receive Paypal payment confirmation but not my licence. When i try too recover my licence a message is resturned about unknown mail.
We have seen a couple of cases recently where a purchaser mistyped their own email when ordering, (@gmial or the like), so of course the licence confirmation was automatically sent to the mistyped email, and they never got it.
You need to contact support with your order details so they can check what has happened in your particular case; it's not something that we can do on the open forum.
There is a contact form here: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Or you can email them: support@ccleaner.com
Please don't raise more than one ticket, they are dealt with in order and raising multiple tickets can actually slow down the response.