Lewis the killer cat!

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (June 20) - A state judge on Tuesday spared the life of Lewis the cat, whose vicious attacks on neighbors landed his owner in court, but the terrorizing tomcat was ordered confined to the house at all times.

Lewis the cat was accused of ambushing at least six people, including the Avon lady. Owner Ruth Cisero chose trial in an attempt to have the animal's life spared.

"There are no exceptions. None," Judge Patrick Carroll told Lewis' owner, Ruth Cisero.

If Lewis gets out, even accidentally, Cisero could face up to 6 months in prison, and Lewis' fate would be in the hands of animal control officers.

Cisero had faced a charge of reckless endangerment because neighbors complained that the gray and white cat's long claws and stealth had allowed it to attack at least a half-dozen people. Some who were bitten and scratched ended up seeking treatment at hospitals.

The judge ordered Cisero to complete two years of probation, after which her record will be expunged.

Cisero had fought to keep Lewis, and rejected a previous probation deal because it was contingent on euthanizing the cat.

"I never thought it would come to this," she said. "It's been an absolute nightmare. It's ruined my life."

The cat's case has drawn national attention, with Lewis appearing in People magazine and on his own page on MySpace.com. A Utah animal sanctuary offered to take the cat, but Eugene Riccio, Cisero's attorney, said Lewis enjoys life in southern New England and wants to stay.

Another take

thats lame. we have piles of cats and dogs, and if any of them ever harmed someone they would get the boot.

I has a cat like that in Minnesota. A stay in the freezer did him a world of good, followed by removal of the dangles.

I has a cat like that in Minnesota. A stay in the freezer did him a world of good, followed by removal of the dangles.

That Lewis cat must be some sort of throw back as he has 6 toes on each paw and they had him on prozac for a while. :huh:

That is a pretty f***ed up cat.

6 toes? on prozac?

"Also, he gives out mixed signals," Kettman continued. "He would sidle against you and purr. You bend down to pet him and he'd attack you."

Steathly stalks random people and sneaks upon them and attack them, etc.


A stay in the freezer did him a world of good, followed by removal of the dangles.

Hmm... a ball-less catcicle... yeah, doesn't sound too intimidating.