Latest version of CCleaner not compatible with Win 8 64bit

I have used CCleaner for many years with several OS. I recently upgraded to A new computer with Win 8 64 bit., and downloaded the latest version of CCleaner . I get the same problem as has been reported by several people. On cleaning the computer hangs after 2% of the removal of listed files. I have uninstalled CCleaner several times, rebooted the computer, re-installed CCleaner, but to no avail. My computer tells me that CCleaner is not compatible with Win 8 after running the compatibility programme.

A pity because CCleaner has worked perfectly for many years, on XP and Vista. As I am not the only person who has had this problem, I suggest that the programmers sort this out,

works fine for me (win 8 pro 32 and 64bit)

please run ccleaner in debug so we can see where it hangs for you

can also confirm latest CC on my Win8 Pro 64bit works fine.

As soon as I found the instructions to debug, but before I followed them, I installed CCleaner again, and lo and behold it works OK now! This was the fifth time I had uninstalled and re-installed CCleaner,

I am not using Win 8 Pro (but the basic one?), but presume it makes no difference.

Glad you got it working. I have it on three Win8 x64 machines, and it is working very well.