Latest version crashed my XP

Just downloaded and ran latest Defraggler version which is the first version I could get to work on my XP machine. (Old versions wouldn't go past file list generation)

When I rebooted machine it went into a boot-up endless loop. Selecting safe mode or anything else also ended up in the endless boot-up. Selecting windows recovery console for the purpose of running CHDSK gave me a blue screen of death which recommended disabling drivers, defragmenters and anti-virus software. I did select 'replace windows defragmenter' when I installed new version. Also the boot-up defraggler had been working fine for a long time even though normal defraggler did not work until this version. I started out with a quick defrag, restarted and then ran the normal one just before this error occurred.

Hi tranzz, and welcome to the forum.

Are you still unable to get past the reboot loop and BSOD's?

If so, do have any form of Rescue CD, or Windows Disks to carry out a repair install?

Do you have the STOP code for the blue screen of death?? (if your machine reboots on bsod hit F8 and select "disable automatic restart on system failure").

Richard S.

Also did you try 'last known good' ?

I'm consistently getting a "boot disk error" after running Defraggler on a fresh XP build - no way around it. Repairs installs failed to help, and it occurred consistently over several rebuilds while I isolated the problem. CCleaner and the stock Windows defragmenter work fine, but Defraggler kills it dead.