Latest version (64 bit) must have deleted all coodkes

After installing and running the latest version (64 bit), v 5.02.5101, I had to sign into all sites that previoiusly remembered me. I don't recall this ever happening before. How do I prevent this from happening again?

Installing ccleaner will not change any sites. Did you run the cleaning section?

OS version?

Any changes to defaults that you've set?

Browser brand and version?

Are you using a Winapp2 file or any other ccleaner enhancing software?

I ran the cleaning and registry sections, as I always have done..Main browser is Firefox. Win 7 computer. No ccleaner enhancing software.

Nothing has changed in ccleaner's cleaning that would remove firefox cookies.

What do you have checked off in the Firefox section.

Now that you are signed in to a few sites are their cookies showing in the cookies to keep section.

I hope you follow, or in the future begin following, the advice in my signature regarding cleaning the registry, as even as you’ve not yet run in to problems from wholesale cleaning of the registry it’s a matter of when not if that tiger will bite you (and maybe caused this).

Are you sure ccleaner did the site information removal?

Are you able to recreate this issue via cleaning each individual Firefox entry 1 at a time:

  1. Right click the first Firefox entry.
  2. Choose clean
  3. Open Firefox and check sites. If not removed repeat 1-3 until all Firefox entries have been gone through.
  4. Try cleaning the Adobe Flash entry, by itself, with the same method.

Report back and I’ll attempt to aid more. Also what version of firefox (don’t say “latest”, this helps no one)

Firefox 35.0.1

what a brief answer to such a detailed step of troubleshooting ;)

(I edited it so it does not look like a run-on sentence any more.)

One of the thiungs I've alwasys liked about ccleaner is thawt I didnt have to spend any time with it, just run it. That seems to not be the case any more.

that's also one of the reasons I favour it, just run & you're done.

ideal for the novice, no training needed, and I've done that on so many PC's now, it's taken on trust that it just works.

The cleaning section yes it is safe to run the defaults, registry not so much (and this has always been the case. But you still haven't provided the required information for the thread to provide you aid.

v 5.02.5101. The following are checked in the FF section (they wre checked by default): Internet Cache, Internet History, Cookies, Download History, Session. Is the "Cookies" check eliminating the login cookies? If so, why is that happening with this version when no other versions did that (don't know what was checked with those; always used the defaults)?

Nothing has changed in ccleaner's cleaning that would remove firefox cookies.

What do you have checked off in the Firefox section.

Firefox is in a constant state of flux.

What can be cleaned on day may cause problems the next day.

Firefox has abandoned us users to staify its developers,

so I have now moved to Palemoon which is far more stable and uses the same Addons.