Latest build

When your ready to clean up the analyzing process hangs for a brief moment,

previous builds didn't do that.


um, this does not occur for me.

perhaps uncheck everything and analyze each invidual check mark then report back here with the one "hanging".

Also what is a brief moment? a second? thirty seconds? a couple min?

also "latest build" means nothing, please post the version you mean, as well as your operating system

When your ready to clean up the analyzing process hangs for a brief moment,

previous builds didn't do that.

Did you mean "cleaning process hangs"?

Mine (v3.01.1327) doesn't "hang" during analyzing, it "hangs" during cleaning, for instance like on the example below on the Firefox internet cache, but that's because of the size of the cache that it is cleaning out, and I've also got mine set to DOD 3 pass.


(I hope this helps.)