last vers 2.19.889 doesn't fix a registry entry..a real BUG..


i've just updated my vers to the latest 2.19.889 and now if i scan the invalidity entries in the registry the prog point me this:

{80b8c23c-16e0-4cd8-bbc3-cecec9a78b79} HKCR\{80b8c23c-16e0-4cd8-bbc3-cecec9a78b79}

but when i tell the prog to delete it it begin to delete and it seems that it was able to do it but..if i rescan again this voice.

{80b8c23c-16e0-4cd8-bbc3-cecec9a78b79} HKCR\{80b8c23c-16e0-4cd8-bbc3-cecec9a78b79}

come up is a real nightmare

why there is this big bug..??!!


Please read this thread

many thanks!

i read the link..i have just updated my avira when the problem appears so i have done what is clearly showed in yr link and now i've solved..!!

..i'm asking only why the update of avira create that registry entry..and what will be the consequences of my deleting it..
