I recently ran CCleaner after installing Real Player, could any files been removed from the Real Player download (The last download file location was checked when I ran CCleaner)?
I recently ran CCleaner after installing Real Player, could any files been removed from the Real Player download (The last download file location was checked when I ran CCleaner)?
I think it will NOT remove the files you have downloaded fully then saved as a none temporary file but if you have any sort of incomplete downloads, those incomplete downloads will most likely be deleted.
So as long as Real Player works, no permanent files were removed or deleted?
So as long as Real Player works, no permanent files were removed or deleted?
If Real Player still works, what is your problem? The last download location option just makes Internet Explorer forget the last directory you saved a file to, it doesn't delete anything IN that directory.
Have a look at the CCleaner docs if you need more info about any of the options: http://docs.piriform.com/ccleaner