Larger Fonts Needed

I've been using Ccleaner for years, and I appreciate the program.

I would LOVE to have an accessibility feature that allows the user to enlarge fonts. I'm in my 60s. My 22" monitor is about 3 feet from my eyes. I need a customizable larger fonts option.


That link has been there for ages but isn't really ideal for people struggling with small text size in a program.

It's all to do with Windows screwed up scaling which lets be very honest in 2020 is a complete pain in the ass in Windows 10 (wasn't as annoying back in the WinXP era) since programs are all over the place with how they're displayed. Increase the scaling and some programs will be more legible but then some will run off screen like 7-Zip, Samsung Magician, etc., which isn't really ideal since programs that already look ok will also get changed.

It's been a very long time since I've seen a program where you can effectively change the font size inside it and not have to mess around with any Windows scaling or resolution, and most that have had the feature at some point eventually take it away removing it.

Seriously need a way to adjust the font size inside the CC program! No I'm not going to screw around with Win 10 scaling as I'm a web designer and need everything to look like it will be seen by default settings. It really shouldn't be that difficult. I agree with Dmorrow that as we age we just don't see as well, even with glasses.

If you can't give us a way to set the size of the font we want than at least give us a way to zoom within the program.

8 hours ago, Trishah said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		If you can't give us a way to set the size of the font we want than at least give us a way to zoom within the program.

There's always Resource Hacker ( to "try to increase the fonts" in programs that will allow it (many don't). In some programs it's easy, it's literally changing for instance the font type size from for example 10 to 12, but it can screw up any dialog boxes a program may have and it's only useful for very old programs that don't get updated frequently or for those which are abandon-ware. It isn't worth even trying with CCleaner being that it's digitally signed and will probably cause antivirus to think it's malware, and since CCleaner gets updated too frequently.

The strange part is I just recently started having the same issue. Not only are they small but the color (light blue or grey) doesn't help a bit. Looking around for solutions I came across this post. It would appear that Piriform isn't listening or does not care about it's existing customers. Something to remember at renewal time ;)

Ironically their main website , subscription and payment pages are quite easy to read 

On 28/11/2020 at 09:18, TJP said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Ironically their main website , subscription and payment pages are quite easy to read 

It's easy to change font settings for websites in browser settings. Programs are a whole other thing though, and yes many use fonts that are too small for modern displays if the user doesn't increase the scaling in the OS.

Thanks for trying to help :) But IMO, I shouldn't have to change the scaling for one program. That would make all the others too large :(

Yes the fonts are why to small if i cant read the fonts on ccleaner no point having it installed anymore, And from the looks of this thread Ccleaner dont seem to care if are able to read the fonts its been almost a year and the font are still the same size and i wont change windows scaling just because of one app/program. Ill give it a few to see they are going to add a fix if not then ill remove this eye headache.