
Hey i guess all my nagging payed off. My parents finally said i could get a laptop. :D:D

I have been looking around for something i can play games on like battlefield2, unreal04 and things like that. I have found this on and i know it needs more ram but i will deal with that if i get it.

Is this laptop good for gaming or is this better?

I am looking for something in this price range and with this cpu speed.

Any other suggestions will greatly help me in my search as well.

Thanks: Vanguard382


RAM doesnt really matter much. ever since Intel i386, virtual memory has been in Windows XP. IIRC, most modern computers have access to 4GB virtual memory.

also it's a sweet laptop :)

Ignore the reply by Mangix, he does not know what he is talking about.

RAM does matter a lot, RAM is much faster to access than virtual memory.


I would be more concerned that it can have up to 7 dead pixels, but with 1024000 pixels, 7 dead one's is probably a drop in the ocean.

Does look like a pretty good buy, compared with what we can get in the UK.

what component would fix this?

what component would fix this?

Fix what?

i don't really know what the 7 dead pixles are so i was wondering what that is and i guess the way you described it is not good

Sorry, a lot of TFT screens will have a certain amount of dead pixels when they are made, there is no way to overcome the problem.

If manufacturers were to make all TFT screens with no dead pixels, they would have to scrap a vast amount of screens during the process, which would then make them very unaffordable.

It is something that you have to put up with for the time being until technology goes a step further.

Don't worry about it too much, it cannot be avoided.

oh thanks for telling me. How much ram you think i should i have i was thinking at least over a gig. Also what does under video it mean by shared?

Also do you think 60gb hard drive is big enough?

I would aim for 1 gig memory if you can afford it.

As for the hard drive, only you can decide, you know what you are going to use the computer for and what you are going to store on it, but 60 gig would do me for a few years.

Shared video means it uses the computers memory, instead of the graphics card having it's own memory, but if you had 1 gig of system memory that should not be too much of a problem.

rridgely and Tarun are gamers so they could probably advise you what is good or not for a gaming machine better than me though.

Hope my advice has helped a little bit though.

i found this and was wondering would this be a good buy for my laptop?

Also turan and riggley if your ever around what do you think about this laptop for gaming

That is the primary reason i want it.

Also would this Graphics card be enough for games like battle field and doom3?

Quick tip, it's Tarun and rridgely, not turan or riggley, but it don't matter that much you are one of the good guy's, so I think they will let it slip.

Thanks for saying i am a good guy and i edited the post so don't tell. :)Also i found this little computer at which i really thiunk is pretty cool.

1gb of ram!!!

100gb hard drive

And same tiype graphics card,

plus it has a faster cpu speed

I was wondering i this was really worth paying that 200 dollars more and if it would also be good for gaming.

Ignore the reply by Mangix, he does not know what he is talking about.

RAM does matter a lot, RAM is much faster to access than virtual memory.


I would be more concerned that it can have up to 7 dead pixels, but with 1024000 pixels, 7 dead one's is probably a drop in the ocean.

Does look like a pretty good buy, compared with what we can get in the UK.

you do realize that most programs use virtual memory instead of physical memory? right now my comp is using up 77% of my comp's virtual memory and 49% of my comp's physical memory. and the proccess may be slow(according to wikipedia, virtual memory is faster than physical memory unless i somehow misread it), but i dont see anything slow about it.

Mangix the more RAM you have installed the less likely your Display Card is to start scarfing at your System RAM if your Display Card itself has an insufficient amount of RAM. When I upgraded my RAM from 128 MB to 384 MB in my old Win98 system some years ago all my gaming related problems were minimized.

Shared video means it uses the computers memory, instead of the graphics card having it's own memory, but if you had 1 gig of system memory that should not be too much of a problem.

CaPMan is right about the memory, get as much as you can affodr or as much as the computer is rated for. However, memory will not make up for a graphics card all the time. Some of the newer games do not support shared graphics. If you try to play Far Cry, Deus Ex IW, Thief 3, Hitman Contracts, and several others without a good quality graphics card, you're screwed.