language Czech 1029 - Če?tina 1029

language Czech 1029

I tried to translate ALL texts as good as possible...

I used the "XN Resource Editor"...

Če?tina 1029

Pokusil jsem se prov?st překlad v?ech textů jak nejl?pe dovedu, norm?lně nepřekl?d?m, tak?e chyby tam mů?ou b?t.

Překlad jsem provedl editac? jin?ho dll pomoc? "XN Resource Editor"...

K překladu jsem přistoupil pot?, co jsem zjistil, ?e st?vaj?c? verze překladu dll je ne?pln? (asi st?ř?m)...


Here is my czech translation and is function. Thanks for add to application.



Many thanks for your reply. Though, downloading your DLL file the displayed language has not changed. I have tried putting the library named lang_1029.dll to the Defraggler directory, to a special subfolder named Language, to Windows folder and both System and System32 folders - without success. I'll appreciate further feedback. Thanks a lot in advance, regards, Martin

Many thanks for your reply. Though, downloading your DLL file the displayed language has not changed. I have tried putting the library named lang_1029.dll to the Defraggler directory, to a special subfolder named Language, to Windows folder and both System and System32 folders - without success. I'll appreciate further feedback. Thanks a lot in advance, regards, Martin

This is language file for Recuva, not for Defraggler. Defraggler not support language file yet.